An Ideal Cell Phone for Seniors

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Seniors may have gone through most of their lives without a cell phone, but this certainly should not stop them from getting one now. After all, cell phones have many benefits particularly to seniors who may experience medical emergencies anytime, without the presence of someone who can give them immediate help. When something like this happens, seniors can use their cell phones to call for assistance. Having a cell phone, therefore, allows a senior more independence while reassuring their family that they have a means of getting help when needed.
Cell phones for seniors, however, have to be designed to address their specific needs. While touchscreen technology may be all the rage in cell phones these days, their features can be too difficult to operate and master by a senior user. An ideal cell phone for seniors should have large buttons that they can easily see and press. Likewise, the phone display should be large enough for easy reading, and the user interface should be simple.

As the cell phone may be used in an emergency, it would help if it can be programmed to allow a quick call to an emergency number. A one-touch dial feature for this purpose would be ideal. Other desirable features include enhanced volume and a long battery life. 


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